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./ 1/4
# Formatting examples, from handout, with some bonus examples
# CSCI111
x = 10
y = 3.5
z = "apple"
print("{:5d} {:<7.3f}".format(x,y))
./ 2/4
# Compute the cost of an item, plus sales tax.
# The displayed cost uses a format specifier.
# by Sara Sprenkle
SALES_TAX=.053 # the sales tax in VA
value = eval(input("How much does your item cost? "))
with_tax = value * (1+SALES_TAX)
# version 0
print("\nVersion 0:")
print("Your item that cost ${:.2f} costs ${:.2f} with tax.".format(value, with_tax))
# version 1
print("\nVersion 1:")
print("Your item that cost ${:.2f}".format(value), end=' ')
print("costs ${:.2f} with tax.".format(with_tax))
# version 2
print("\nVersion 2:")
print("Your item that cost", "${:.2f}".format(value), end=' ')
print("costs", "${:.2f}".format(with_tax), "with tax.")
# Version 3
print("\nVersion 3:")
formattedValue = "${:.2f}".format(value)
formattedTax = "${:.2f}".format(tax)
print("Your item that cost", formattedValue, costs, formattedTax, "with tax.")
./ 3/4
# Compute the cost of an item, plus sales tax
# Demonstrate need for/use of format specifiers
# by Sara Sprenkle
SALES_TAX=.053 # the sales tax in VA
# Test with a variety of values
value = eval(input("How much does your item cost? "))
with_tax = value * (1+SALES_TAX)
print("Your item that cost $", value, end=' ')
print("costs $", round(with_tax, 2), "with tax.")
./ 4/4
# Print out the table of temperatures
# By CS111
# Better to calculate these conversions
# but that's not the focus today
Desired output:
Temp F Temp C Temp K
------ ------ ------
-459.7 -273.1 0.0
0.0 -17.8 255.2
32.0 0.0 273.1
# display the labels
# template for the headings:
headings_template = "{:>6s} {:>12s} {:>12s}"
print(headings_template.format("Temp F", "Temp C", "Temp K"))
print(headings_template.format("-"*6, "-"*6, "-"*6))
# display the data
# template for the data:
data_template = "{:6.1f} {:12.1f} {:12.1f}"
ftemp = -459.67
ctemp = -255.2
ktemp = 0
print(data_template.format(ftemp, ctemp, ktemp))
ftemp = 0.0
ctemp = -17.7778
ktemp = 255.372
print(data_template.format(ftemp, ctemp, ktemp))
ftemp = 32
ctemp = 0
ktemp= 273.15
print(data_template.format(ftemp, ctemp, ktemp))
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