I think I scared the class off with all of my feedback on the first lab. I give you feedback so that you'll learn from the feedback and understand our expectations. And, of course, so that you'll improve your grades.
Break each assignment into "doable" chunks. You should be very adept at problem solving. You can attack one chunk and make sure that works (say, distribution), then attack another part (collection), and then put the two pieces together and make sure that they work. Use "dummy" data--placeholders for the data so that it will be clear if you made a mistake in one of the pieces. (For example, use a matrix filled with numbers 1 to N, rather than a matrix filled with 0s.)
I hate to play the "real world" card, but ... In the real world, managers, technical leads, and peers may read your code to review, debug, or maintain the code. They must be able to read and understand your code quickly. Using comments that describe the high-level ideas, such as what a class, a function, or a block of code does, will make the process much easier. Think about what you'll look for when you have to maintain or debug someone else's code. If that doesn't motivate you, think about when you need to return to these assignments months or years later to help you solve your current problem. You won't remember what you were doing ("Lab 3 part 2? What was that?"), but the comments will jog your memory ("Lab3: Parallel solution to Life Game, using row-block data distribution of matrix. After initial distribution of matrix, requires communication between neighbors... The rules of life are ...") And, finally, I need the comments at the top of the programs so that I can easily identify who wrote each program; the programs often have similar names and I don't know whose program is whose without the comments.
The style rules from introductory programming classes still apply.
If you attacked the problem well, your code should be easy to follow. Your solution should break into easily defined pieces that can be identified by good comments (/* distributing data in blocks of size N/P, where N is the size of the data and P is the number of processors */) and/or be put into functions ( distributeData() ). Confusing and/or inaccurate comments may be worse than no comments because the reader may misinterpret what your code does.
Your code should start with your name and a description of the program. Take proper credit! Someone maintaining your code may need to ask you for help understanding your code. (Of course, with your superior descriptions in comments, they might not need to ask for your help.)
Always comment magic numbers by describing what they're used to
accomplish. ( boardSize[i]*2 + 2*numRows -1; //allocate extra
space for X, Y, Z ...
Improper indentation and alignment are inexcusable because they can be performed automatically by using a text editor just before submitting. For example, in Emacs, you can select the entire program and choose "Indent Line or Region" and your code is all lined up neatly.
Don't leave analysis to the last minute. Think about the goals of the lab and what you need to show. Sit with your timing results and think about them in all different "directions". Think about how the results changed by changing various independent variables (e.g., data distribution, number of processors, etc.). In general, dependent variables are the things that you're measuring, while the independent variables are the "givens". You want to see how the dependent variable (e.g., execution time) changed as you changed an independent variable (e.g., number of processors).
Think about the different dependent variables. If the dependent variables are related (e.g., pieces of a larger metric), analyze the pieces individually and in aggregate. For example, consider if the total time is dominated by one specific piece of the program (e.g., data distribution). Explain why that piece dominates the total time, e.g., explain the source of the bottleneck.
Sketch out all of the ideas on paper before you write your sentences. Figure out what the main ideas of your analysis are. Those ideas are likely to become a topic sentence for each paragraph of your analysis.
Also, I'm not looking for quantity, just quality. If you talk about the effect of each independent variable on your various dependent variables succinctly and completely, you'll have a good analysis.
Reread your document. Make sure the writing makes sense to someone who does not know your implementation details.
I expect good English grammar (that means complete sentences) and, of course you should spell check your summary, hypothesis, analysis, etc. before submitting your lab.
Write precisely. Try not to use "this" and "that" because the reader may not know to what you are referring. Even using "this process" can be ambiguous. Use nouns as appropriate. For example, "each received some" should be written clearly, such as "each processor received some data".
Bonus: Write in active voice.
Label your graph with the dependent variables/metrics (e.g., Execution Time, Size of Data), independent variables (e.g., Number of Processors), and the units (e.g., seconds, kilobytes).
If you're presenting a graph, also include the raw data used to generate the graph.