Replay Tool

You may want to use this tool to help automate your testing. The tool makes the HTTP requests from a file and saves the responses to each request in an appropriately named file in a directory. While running the replay tool, you should watch your web server to see if any strange or unexpected behavior occurs. (What are good test cases to use?) After the tool makes the requests, you can look at the saved result files in a web browser. (Use "open file" instead of "open location".)

Warning: I have only tested this tool on UNIX and Linux. Please let me know if you have tool-related problems on other platforms.

The tool may not be exactly what you want/need, which is why I provided the code that you can change it to suit your needs.

Provided Files:

Running the Tool

  1. Your CLASSPATH must contain the two jar files, simplereplay.jar and HTTPClient.jar
  2. Run the tool as
    java replay.SimpleReplayTool <hostname> <portnumber> <testcasename> <responsedirectory>
  3. If all goes well, the tool will make the requests, as specified in the test case testcasename, and saves the responses for each request in an appropriately named file in the directory, responsedirectory.