Assignment 1 (50 Pts)

Using Strings

Implement the following methods in a Java class. (Rhetorical question: Why are the methods declared static?) In your main method clearly demonstrate the correctness of these methods.
 * @param s the String to remove
 * @return the string backwards; e.g., string --> gnirts
public static String reverseString(String string)
 * Tests if a string is a palindrome.  A palindrome is a word
 * that is the same fowards and backwards.
 * Some palindromes: 
 * "kayak"
 * "A man A plan A canal Panama"
 * In your algorithm, you don't need to consider spaces or 
 * punctuation as special cases, i.e., "A man A plan A canal Panama"
 * will return false.  You should consider
 * upper and lower case letters as the same.
 * @param s the string to test if it's a palindrome
 * @return true iff the string is a palindrome
 * @see
public static boolean isPalindrome(String string)


Like last time, you will provide a README file that contains

Script file

Create a script file showing your README, your code, compilation, and execution of your program. If you develop on Windows, Linux, or anything else, just find a way to show everything you are required to and print it out. This may be the script command, it may be a simple text capture from a command prompt under Windows, or anything else that shows what you need to show.


Submit a printed version of your assignment (script file, Java files, and README) at the beginning of class on Tuesday, June 20.

Email a gzipped tar file of your assignment directory named lastname-assign1 and which should include the script file, the Java classes, the class files, and README) to Ke (kli at before next Tuesday (June 20) at 11:59:59 p.m. The subject line should be "[Your Name] CISC370: Assignment 1 Submission".

If necessary, see Assignment 0 for instructions for generating the tar file.

If you have any questions about submission, ask early!

Grading (50 pts)