Instructor: Sara Sprenkle

Email: sprenkle at

Office: Smith 447

Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in Smith 447

Appointments: if you can't make office hours, email me for an appointment.

Teaching Assistant: Ke Li

Email: kli at

Office: Smith 440

Office Hours: TR 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Final and Project 2 grades have been posted on CPM. The gradesheet for project 2 is available online.

The quizzes are now available online.

Project Number: 2182

Prerequisites: CISC 181 (or a good working knowledge of C++) and CISC 220. This course is taught assuming a working knowledge of computers and development tools, such as the ability to set paths, install tools, troubleshoot operating system problems, and so forth. Finally, I assume that you can learn related but not central material (such as basic HTML) on your own.

Useful Links

Sections of this syllabus and site were borrowed from Robert Duvall, Terry Harvey, Jeffrey Six, and Keith Trnka.